Aaron's 2-second tic-tacker...
Look VERY closely... this vid was not edited in ANY way. Slow-mo description : Ball moves from first man to middle man, middle man brings it back down, first man slams it in.
Got that?
Look closer... replays help.
Peace out... Aaron @ sswissh
Special thanks to Van for holding the cam and Khai Yong for falling for the fake... haha
0:03 Min.
Alex shovelton Deadman Pullshot Practice
Alex Shovelton practicing the deadman pullshot. This video concentrates on the hand movement behind the shot rather than the display of the ball on the table.
0:19 Min.
Billy Sucks!!!!
Video of Billy playing foosball when he was just a little squirt.
9:53 Min.
Foos alien stub
Foosball high speed alien shot misexcecuted but shown because of surprising playfield motion. Shooter Chris Harrington
0:58 Min.
Foosball : SlingShot or "7" Shot
Advanced Foosball Shot: SlingShot or "7" Shot performed by a Malaysian fooser. Visit http://www.foosball.com.my for more video clips.
0:19 Min.
Foosball Shots
Beginner to intermediate foosball player looking for a new shot or improve existing play. Video was shot by a newly addicted player who picked up the game while on break at Freescale semiconductor. Background music is "maps" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
2:30 Min.
Foosball Snake Shots
My snake shots on a tornado table. A variety of pulls and push snakes
0:20 Min.
Rob Atha Demo
Rob Atha doing some 5 bar passing and then a pull shot
0:33 Min.
Tic-tac clack... tic-tac BOOM!
Not a very pro tic-tac, but i scored. Nuff said.
Unlike the previous clip I've loaded, this one needs no slow-mo description.
-Aaron @ sswissh
Special thanks to Ee Yan for holding the damn cam, and Khai Yong... for slipping the ball back to me. hahaha...
0:11 Min.
Tornado Foosball slow motion Fast Pass and Pull Shot and mor
A very nicely executed pass and front pin shot. Slowed down as much as possible. I thought it might have been a very fast snake shot untill the final slow-mo. Jacksonville Florida, you might have guessed, performed by Raymond Pierce
8:41 Min.
Unreal Foos - Goalie Shots 1
These are a series of goalie shots performed by Ezequiel "ZekeNdestroy" Cervantes on a Tornado Cyclone II table.
There's a variety of shots, including tic tacs, pulls, push kicks, sling shots, etc.
1:11 Min.
Unreal Foos - Goalie Shots 2
These are a series of goalie shots performed by Zeke Cervantes on a Tornado Cyclone II table.
Sling shots, pushes, pulls, etc.
1:58 Min.